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Category: Programming Quickies

Back in they day, I ran a Tumblr blog named Magento Quickies where I’d post shorter, less in-depth posts about my travels through Magento’s source code. This Programming Quickies categories is the successor to that Tumblr blog. You’ll find all the old Magento Quickies content here, as well as new short posts about programming in general.

This section has its own RSS feed, the old Magento Quickies feed should should be redirecting, and we’re cross posting notifications for new posts over to In other words, you shouldn’t need to know any of this, but the duct tape that keeps the internet held together isn’t aging well, so your mileage may vary.

Below you'll find all the Programming Quickies articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 7 series directly via the following links. Pestle, Four Steps to Async Iterators, Checking in on OpenMage and Magento in 2020, Text Encoding and Unicode, Shopware's Development Environment, A Sentimental Gen-X Programmer Culls his Tech Books, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.

Top North American Magento Cities

While most of my consulting opportunities come via word of mouth, I still keep half an eye on the various tech job boards. Partly to see what sort of compensation people are offering (everything from $7/hour to $125,000/year), and partially because I grew up in Buffalo during the 80s and have an ingrained fear of any job market bottoming [...]


Content vs. Commerce

I was listening to the Stack Exchange podcast about Hurricane Sandy, and one of the guest mentioned offhandedly that Square Space hosts around a million and a half websites. That’s backed up by this Business Insider content blurb. For those not familiar with the platform, Square Space offers a custom online CMS for creating and [...]


A Rewrite too Far

A Rewrite too Far An interesting Magento question that shows some of the problems with a super flexible OO system. In summation, a client developer tried to add a simple rewrite which added a type_id product collection filter. However, in a second part of the system, a core team client developer used the filters on the product collection [...]


What is a Magento Area?

What is a Magento Area? This is a Magento 2 presentation so take everything in there with a grain of salt, but this is the first time I’ve heard anyone from Magento Inc. describe what a Magento “area” is. (Or more specifically, what an area was intended to be — it looks like Magento 2 will implement and refine this [...]

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